Reduce plastic pollution and fix recycling

Reduce plastic pollution and fix recycling

Take action to reduce plastic and improve recycling in Washington!

  • You are seeing the growing amount of plastic pollution and hearing about the impacts to wildlife


  • You are frustrated by the problems in our recycling system


  • It is time to take action.  Please support statewide legislative bills to tackle the problems


Take action to reduce plastic and improve recycling in Washington!

  • You are seeing the growing amount of plastic pollution and hearing about the impacts to wildlife


  • You are frustrated by the problems in our recycling system


  • It is time to take action.  Please support statewide legislative bills to tackle the problems


Email your state senator today to ask for support of SB5022

Now is the time to weigh in with your Senator to support SB 5022 - a Plastics and Recycling bill, championed by Senator Mona Das, that will improve recycling and prevent plastic pollution - during the Senate Floor Vote! 

The bill:

  • Requires that plastic beverage containers are made of post-consumer recycled plastic, from a minimum of 15% by weight in 2023 to 50% by 2031      
  • Bans expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) coolers, food service products, and packing peanuts as of June 1, 2023     
  • Requires that restaurants and food service businesses provide straws, utensils, condiment packages and beverage cup lids only on request or in self-serve bins     

The bill components will not only curb the use of certain plastic products causing plastic pollution, it will get us on the path for even bigger recycling reform and plastic pollution reduction.

At this time, SB5022 has passed out of Committee and is ready for a floor vote before the Senate. This is the first major vote, and we need your help to make sure it passes! 

Thank you for your help!


Compose your email

Email Tips +

If you have time, please change the subject line, but retain the bill number.  This will give your email more attention. 


And if you have a personal story about plastic or recycling, that would be great to add.